Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Merry Christmas to all you beautiful people! I am late with this post as I am with all my post, sorry. I hope you all had an amazing day. I spent time with amazing people eating amazing food and being very happy. I got so much I was spoilt. I will defo do an outfit post for you sometime this week as I got some really lovely pieces. 

Mali ox 

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve

Okay, so I am feeling a complete lame person for writing my blog from my phone and I promise in 2012 I should be up and running again with a laptop or computer. This whole not having one is really breaking me down. But it Christmas eve and I got a little bit merry shall we say last night, and now having to do the family trawl of visiting and taking present around. Oh it's a hard not life ey?

So tomorrow I will try and steal the boyfriends laptop after we have eaten a massive Christmas dinner and he is feeling to fat to move and show my beautiful readers what goodies I revived.

I hope you are all have a beautiful Christmas Eve and have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Merry Christmas Mali Ox

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Bad blogger

I haven't blogged in so long, I just haven't had a smart phone or access to a computer. It shouldn't be an excuse but it's the only one I have. I hope all my readers don't hate me too much.

Lots of love Mali ox